Sunday, November 18, 2007

montizuma's Revenge Beta 6 Now Available

Just recently,
USA Games Interactive
has put out montizuma's Revenge Beta 6 on the website for everyone to play. There have been many improvements and bugfixes. They include:

Removed auto save game feature from code.
Limited swords to a maximum of 4 at any time.
Moved gems from room 17 to room 18 on level 2.
Moved skull from room 17 to room 18 on level 2.
Recompiled Level 2.
Limited potions to a maximum of 4 at any time.
Fixed bug in GetPotion() that only allowed 3 instead of 4 potions.
Replaced mono dirt step sounds with stereo dirt step sounds.
Fixed bug with white door that awards the player 1000 points
instead of 300 points times difficulty.
Fixed bug where player was not awarded a bonus life when
completing the bonus level.
Fixed bug where player was not awarded a bonus life when
completing level 2.
Added score bonus for completing any bonus level.
Fixed bug where player still had keys from a bonus level when
a new level started.
Restored original sword attack sound.
Renamed healing potions to magic potions.
Added 20 seconds of invincibility from monsters
when a magic potion is drankk.
Updated spider movement effects.
Added action mapping class for joysticks and game pads.
Added InitializeJoystick() to acquire joystick devices.
Added UpdateJoystick() to update Joystick button states.
Added CheckJoystick() to carry out joystick actions.
Removed JumpUp() from player controls.
Added PauseGame() function.
Asigned pause game feature to u key.
Lowered the volume of pause/unpause sounds.
Asigned pause game feature to Joystick Button 6.
Fixed bug with endless burning torches.
Fixed bug where game crashes after torches burn out.
Added announcement to AnnounceObjects() that alerts the player there are no objects in the room.
Added AnnounceMonsters() and added it to the m key
and to button 6 on the joystick.

To get the exe file from the website, you can
click here

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