Friday, May 11, 2007

New Version of FileDir 2.5 and TextPal 3.7

Today FileDir 2.5 and TextPal 3.7 has been released. If you do not know what FileDir is, it is a very accessible, powerful and stable file manager. For those who also do not know what TextPal is, it is an accessible, powerful Text Editor. The great thing about these programs are that they are free. Here are the changes in both programs from the previous version.

FileDir 2.5
May 11, 2007

Fixed the Zip List command, Control+Shift+Z. In the Web Download command,
Alt+Shift+W, a different, more reliable technique is implemented for getting
the web address of a page open in Internet Explorer.

With the optional JAWS scripts, made Control+Equals a synonym of Control+E
for the Evaluate command (to be consistent with the Homer interface). Added
the Manual Options command, Alt+Shift+M, for adjusting FileDir settings
directly in a text editor.

Doubled the number of special folders available via the Open Special Folder
command, Control+Shift+O. You can now have greater control over
your computer by conveniently examining and managing the following 35
folders as needed:

Administrative Tools
Application Data
Common Administrative Tools
Common Application Data
Common Desktop
Common Documents
Common Favorites
Common Files
Common Programs
Common Start Menu
Common Startup
Common Templates
Internet Cache
Internet History
Local Application Data
My Documents
My Pictures
Network Neighborhood
Printer Neighborhood
Program Files
Start Menu


TextPal 3.7
May 11, 2007

Fixed some of the optional JAWS scripts, as well as command descriptions in
the Alternate Menu (Alt+F10), to reflect recent changes in key
assignments. Fixed TextPal copying selected text to the clipboard in a
small font rather than as unformatted plain text.

In the Grab URLs command, Alt+Shift+G, a different, more reliable
technique is implemented for getting the web address of a page open in
Internet Explorer. Reassigned the Insert Time command to
Alt+Shift+Semicolon. Alt+Semicolon still says the time and date.

Modified the Order Lines and Keep Unique Lines commands, Alt+Shift+O and
Alt+Shift+K, to ignore case. Enhanced the Yield command, Alt+Y, to
operate on either all or selected text.

Added two commands that are part of the developing "Homer editor interface."
Press Alt+Backslash to open the folder of the current file in
Windows Explorer, or Control+Backslash to open a command prompt there. Also
for Homer consistency, the evaluate command, Control+E, has a
synonym, Control+Equals. In addition, this command is enhanced to operate
on either the current line or selected text. Thus, one could write several
lines of code in the Ruby language, select the text, and then evaluate the
result. For example, the following algebra calculates the cumulative total
of an initial $100 deposit compounded for 12 months at 5% interest:

interest = 1.05
deposit = 100
months = 12
total = (interest ** months) * deposit

The result, about $180, was placed on the line below the previously selected
text, and the cursor was placed at the start of that line.

A list of accessible software I have developed for Windows, with download
links, is available at"

For upgrading to the latest FileDir and TextPal, remember that you may
elevate on May 11 with F11!


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