Thursday, December 6, 2007

SoundRTS 1.0 Beta 9G Released

Yesterday, another version of the real time strategy game has come out. Here are the changes:

- fixed a bug where the single player menu was not updated after a victory unlocking a new mission
- removed space between letters when spelling a word
- 16 sound channels by default (instead of 8)
- added num_channels to SoundRTS.ini (number of sound channels)
- better build order for the AI (knights earlier)
- bug fixed: now the AI attacks with knights too
- maps: added
preprocessor directive
- units turn better when trying to avoid each other (slightly increased CPU cost, probably; I'll wait for your feedback)
- fixed a bug where the menus of the units or buildings were not updated
- fixed a bug where when an AI completes a farm some peasants sometimes stay idle instead of mining gold

The direct link for the Windows version of it is

You can also download it from TBRN by clicking
Note that if you download it from TBRN, the speed is faster.

You can check out the Sound RTS development blog by going to

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