Monday, October 22, 2007

SoundRTS 1.0 beta 9e released

Yesterday, the developer of Sound RTS has released yet another version of this amazing free game.

Here are the changes:

- new multiplayer map: frontier by Bryan Smart
- archers now have 10 hit points instead of 8
- AI players are now allied in multiplayer maps
- added global_food_limit to the map language (set the maximum food of a map)
- if title isn't found in the map, the title of the map is the name of the map file
- when a battle ends in a square, a summary is sent to each concerned player
- the message telling that a player has quit a game cannot be missed now
- fixed bug with unit recruiting cancellation and food
- fixed bug with save game and big maps
- fix sound volume bug with compass directions in first person mode
- fixed bug where the server doesn't stop when it cannot register on the servers list
- fixed bug where the food limit was not updated in the client when a player quit the game

You can
click here
to go to the Sound RTS website and grab the game or you can
click here
to go to the Sound RTS page on
and grab it from there. If you decide to grab it from TBRN, your download will go much faster than if you downloaded it on the Sound RTS Website.

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