Monday, October 8, 2007

Spoken Text

I got introduced to a free service named
Spoken Text
which is a website that let's you convert many formats in to audio at no cost. You can put it on your IPod or an MP3 player. Some of the formats include, TXT, PDF, Powerpoint, and HTML. I have created an account to try this service out and I was quite surprised to find it extremely acccessible when using assistive technology like screen readers. There are no adds and the sign up process was very painless. I just had to answer a couple of questions that was related to my disability. From those questions, I gathered, that they cared about people with disabilities. I urge you all to try it out and give feedback to the people who make Spoken Text.

1 comment:

Mark McKay said...

I am glad you liked the site and found it accessible.

From the beginning I designed SpokenText's Interface to be as accessible as possible.

And you were right in saying that we ask the disability related questions during registration because we care about accessibility and our members. This is exactly why we ask these questions.

Keep up the great work with your blog.

Mark McKay
Designer / Developer of